Students Voice Concerns at ‘Pizza With the President’

SAC Interim President Dr. Francisco Solis took questions from 22 students.
RTF, Music Business Students Produce Music Video

SAC welcomed New Braunfels-based ‘John Brewer Band.’
SAC Students, Staff Celebrate Dia De Los Muertos With Ofrenda

Lost loved ones honored with altar in Loftin
SAC Students, Staff Celebrate Indigenous People’s Day

The celebration featured Indigenous music, dancing and cultural celebrations.
First-Ever ‘Mind Matters’ Workshop Supports Mental Wellness at SAC

Students learned about mindfulness practices and other mental wellness activities.
Early Voting Underway at SAC’s Victory Center

Bexar County residents lined up outside SAC’s Victory Center Monday and Tuesday to cast their ballots in the 2024 general election.
Mayor Visits SAC to Support Future Journalists

Mayor Ron Nirenberg held a private press conference for high school journalism students practicing their interviewing skills.
SAC Students Celebrate National Coming Out Day

The Office of Student Life and the Gender and Sexuality Alliance hosted the event.
SACMEN Celebrate 10 Years of Mentorship

The San Antonio College Men Empowerment Network works to inspire men to reach their full potential.
SAC Architects Create Sculptures from Soup

Students participate in Canstruction Competition to raise awareness around hunger.