Local Authors Share Insights at Writers Showcase

Local author Laurie Ann Guerrero reads from a collection of her poems during a Writers Showcase organized by SAC’s Writing and Thinking Institute at the Nursing and Allied Health Complex March 19. Photo by Samara Penny.

Local authors Laurie Ann Guerrero and Dr. Rafael C. Castillo presented their work at a Writers Showcase organized by SAC’s Writing and Thinking Institute March 19 at the Nursing and Allied Health Complex. 

Castillo is a Professor of English and Humanities at Palo Alto College, and Guerrero is an Associate Professor and Writer in Residence at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. San Antonio College Professor Dora Peña and English Professor Lennie Irvin helped organize the event, which featured readings of the authors’ works and a discussion on the importance of writing.

Author Dr. Rafael C. Castillo discusses the importance of writing during a Writers Showcase organized by SAC’s Writing and Thinking Institute at the Nursing and Allied Health Complex March 19. Photo by Samara Penny.

“An event like this gives students the chance to gauge their writing, hear from real writers, and see themselves in those writers,” Irvin said. “We want to increase the presence of published writers on campus to make it feel more tangible for students.”

The authors shared personal stories with the audience, emphasizing the importance of writing as a form of expression.

“We need to encourage students to find their voice and not be afraid of writing,” Castillo said. “Our brains are divided into two hemispheres—the rational and the emotional. Writing brings them together and keeps a record of those emotions.”

Laurie Ann Guerrero accepts a plaque during the Writers Showcase organized by SAC’s Writing and Thinking Institute at the Nursing and Allied Health Complex March 19. Photo by Samara Penny.

Guerrero highlighted the significance of students documenting their lives and experiences. She stressed that diverse perspectives make the writing world richer and more inclusive.

“It’s our responsibility to add to history and tell our own stories,” Guerrero said. “The more students read, the more the desire to share and document our stories grows.”

After the showcase, both authors received tokens of appreciation for their contributions. Irvin and Peña said similar events will be held in the future.

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