More than 20 SAC students learned about mindfulness practices and other mental wellness activities during a new “Mind Matters” workshop hosted by the college’s Office of Student Success Oct. 9 in the Loftin Student Center.
“Mental health affects people’s daily lives, and we need to be aware of how to assist students, especially those going through a crisis,” Student Success Coordinator and event organizer Marisa Martinez said. “Mental health is an everyday topic; you see it in the news and school … It is important that we are all educated on the topic.”
A social worker educated students on community resources, and a representative from the San Antonio Food Bank gave a presentation on nutrition and how healthy eating affects mental health and wellness.
“This event is close to home to me because of my mental health,” freshman Derek Sanchez said. “I usually struggle with it throughout my life, so I am always learning new strategies and benefitting and supporting others if I can.”

Workshop activities and content focused on the importance of managing and relieving stress, exercise and mental resilience.
“What helps with my mental health is my friends and family and just being able to connect with the earth physically and nature-wise,” Sanchez said.
Sanchez also said exercise, meditation, a healthy diet and mindfulness practices such as “being present in society” are important.
Martinez said the ultimate goal of the Mind Matters event was to help the students understand they are not alone and support resources are available for anyone struggling with mental health issues.
“I wanted to see if I could help [people in my life] with resources from this event,” freshman Erica Villanueva said. “I would come back to another Mind Matters event to see what else is out there to help other people.”
The Mind Matters workshop was the first of its kind at SAC, but Martinez said she plans to hold another event soon.